You will be contacted via email or through a letter your child brings home to confirm your workshop acceptance, dates and attendance. Interested participants please fill out the attached permission slip and return it by Friday, October 15, 2010.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at or 732 431-3321 ext. Workshop 4 - Friday, November 19 and Friday, Decem6:30-8:30 pm Workshop 3-Thursday, November 18 and Thursday, Decem6:30-8:30 pm We provide both private and free anti-harassment training experiences on. Our mask-making team building activity also. Right To Be is empowering everyone to create a world without harassment and. Let your creativity run wild or follow along with sample masks that we can help you recreate. From there, you’ll make your own, one-of-a-kind creation. Each workshop starts with a brief history of masking in New Orleans. Workshop 2 -Friday, November 12 and Friday, December 3, 2010-6:30 - 8:30 pm Make an original Mardi Gras mask at our fun and rewarding Mask Making Workshop. Workshop 1 -Thursday, November 11 and Thursday, Decem6:30-8:30 pm The four different workshop and session dates are: Please check your calendar to be sure you can attend both sessions of the workshop. Program participants will be chosen on a first come, first serve basis and only be allowed to sign up for one two-session workshop. A total of forty students will be able to participate in the program. Ten different students and their parents will participate in each two-session workshop. I used to teach mask-making for an A level course and the whole process would take two weeks. Finished clay masks will be displayed at the LDS Arts Night in May. Mask-making Workshops Because of the complexities of interaction between shape, movement, style, materials and making methods, I rarely do short making workshops. At the end of the second workshop, they will be asked to share their thoughts and feelings about their experience together. Participants will be encouraged to express who they are on the inside and outside throughout this artistic process. In the second session they will be guided through the ceramic glazing process to paint their mask.
During the first session, participants will be instructed in hand-building clay techniques to create a mask. Work with Lincoln Center teaching artist Barbara Ellmann to explore how to make your own unique three-dimensional mask from recyclable materials Supplies needed: Cardboard box Shopping bag White paper Scissors Black marker White glue Cord or ribbon This workshop originally streamed on Lincoln Center’s Facebook page on May 28, 2020. Parents will be encouraged to let their child take the lead in a side by side creative exploration during two two-hour workshop sessions. Experiential learning and sharing with peers.Parental insight into how your child learns and creates.Exploration of who we are and who we may become.Discovery about each other’s similarities and differences.Self-expression in both parent and child The biggest issue is that most professionals never learn how to interview, making the hiring decision a high-stakes gamble.Cooperative learning experiences between parent and child.If you have questions about this event or would like to attend, contact Janine Doerner or Linh Huynh.

In 2022, the People Services Team will host more unconscious bias workshops open to the broader Gladstone community. Whether made to give to those in need or as a fundraiser, artist designed masks are an artifact of the time. Space is currently limited to 45, and is by invite only. You’ll have opportunities to reflect on your personal biases and explore individual and systemic mitigation efforts to support diverse and inclusive environments of mutual respect. In this session, you’ll learn the origins, history, and theories of unconscious bias and examine the ways it shows up in our everyday lives and work spaces. Most times, unconscious bias produces disparities along the lines of race, gender, and ability between dominant and non-dominant groups. Over time, these patterns have produced inequality within workplaces and have fueled systemic inequities for many social determinants of health. These unconscious attitudes and beliefs, which we’re all socialized to adopt, lead to patterns of behavior that preference some people and groups over others. Unconscious bias refers to the attitudes and beliefs that occur outside of our awareness. As one of the first steps to support hiring managers, Gladstone is hosting an Unconscious Bias workshop. THE source for Latex Halloween Mask Making Kits and Supplies, manufacturer of Monster Clay, MonsterGel Alginate, RD-407 Mask Latex, Artificial Eyes. As part of Gladstone’s diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy, People Services has started to review recruitment and interviewing processes. MASK MAKING WORKSHOP EAST PROVIDENCE RECREATION TO HOLD MARC KOHLERS ARTS & CRAFTS WORKSHOPS.