Ideal tankmates for El Silverado Endler include other peaceful fish such as Swordtails, Platies, Mollies, Cory Catfish, etc. Keep your aquarium closed with a lid or a hood, as these fish like to jump. You can see this fish swimming and feeding in the middle and bottom of your aquarium. El Silverado Endlers is a very hardy fish for its small size and likes to swim at the top level of the water column. It has a silver-blue body coloration and looks very similar to Poecilia reticulata. It makes the perfect fish for nano or planted aquariums. The El Silverado Endlers is a colorful and peaceful fish that is small in size. Darkness typically signals bedtime for Endlers, causing them to sink to the bottom and catch a good night’s sleep until the lights turn on. One of the fun facts about a Three Spot Endler is that they respond quickly to light and movement. I recommend housing your three spot guppies with dwarf Corydoras, rainbowfish, and non-aggressive tetras. Also, choose their tankmates with care as these are a group of small fish that like the company of other small and peaceful species. These are active fish that require plenty of space to swim around. They enjoy a tank with hard and warm water and plenty of aquatic plants. They have, unexpectedly enough, more than three spots and will add beauty, charm, and color to an aquarium tank. The Three Spots Endler is one of the most popular breeds from the guppy family that come in shades of silver and orange with black spots all over their body. Today, we’ll discuss the 10 most common species of Endler guppies to consider for your community tank. However, adequate care, proper diet, perfect water parameters, peaceful tank mates, and several other factors like male to female ratios, etc., will determine your fish’s overall genetics and appearance. These are a hardy and undemanding breed, making them an ideal fish for beginner aquarists. These fish can hybridize with guppies and are often the easiest to find in pet shops. Poecilia Wingei is a small fish but is a prolific breeder. The Endler is a livebearer fish that lays live fry. While Endler guppies are not as fancy-looking as lyre-tailed ones, they come in attractive shades of orange, silver, black, purple, yellow, and blue. The Endler guppy, also known as Poecilia Winger, is native to Venezuela.